During political campaigns, especially presidential, word choice becomes very important, interesting and telling. Four years ago, words and phrases like community organizer, lipstick, rogue, muslim, and maverick were tossed around for political gain and damage to opponents. Believe in America This election cycle the first phrase I noticed I thought both questioned the patriotism of some and insulted the intelligence of others was part of the Romney campaign. On the Governor Romney yard sign it says "Believe in America." What does that mean? I know it's obvious when take literally. What is the campaign, or ultimately Romney, trying to tell people? Believe because we don't now? Believe because Romney will restore America to its once gloried past? Believe because he is a US citizen and Obama is not? Believe because he is more patriotic than me, or millions of others? It is a very strange phrase, at least to me. I know I believe in my country and I don't need anyon...